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UCD horticulture students take studies online

Photo: UCD.

To ensure that all University College Dublin (UCD) horticulture students complete their academic programme for 2019/20, all studies have been transported online. 



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7 April 2020

To ensure that all horticultural students at University College Dublin (UCD) complete their academic programme this year, all lectures, assignments, and project work now take place online.

Students are studying remotely and all lectures are given by narrated PowerPoint presentations or online video classes.

“This has provided new challenges for practical horticulture and laboratory sessions for both horticulture staff and students, who are overcoming these difficulties.”, said Owen Doyle, associate professor at UCD’s School of Agriculture and Food Science.

Doyle continued: “Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, UCD, which is home to the National Virus Reference Laboratory, has been conducting tests for SARS-Cov-2 virus that causes Covid-19 disease.

“Some of the agriculture and horticulture students who were due to go on professional work placements have had their placements postponed or delayed, however, some have volunteered to work in the new commercial testing laboratories to assist the national effort to control this pandemic.

“In addition, horticulture students have volunteered to work in the UCD Covid-19 Call Centre, the first call centre established outside the Health Service Executive (HSE) to provide test results, information and advice, and contact tracing to those who have had Covid-19 tests.”

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