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Meeting the Belrobotics Bigmow and Ballpicker

The Bigmow from Belrobotics. Photo: Belrobotics.

Since entering the commercial robotic market in 2002, Belrobotics mowers have been used for the upkeep of everything from world-renowned sports facilities to military bases.


Sports & Parks

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29 January 2020

Belrobotics provides specialised robotic mowers for large areas and professional applications. Since entering the commercial robotic market in 2002, Belrobotics mowers have been used for the upkeep of world-renowned sports facilities, private gardens of all sizes, business parks, hospitals, hotels, country clubs, local government offices, and military bases.

Two considered reasons for investment in robotic mowers are time and money. For suitable applications, robotic mowers offer complete automation of the task at hand. Time spent typically mowing or collecting can be spent on other tasks facing the business. Cost savings on machine maintenance, labour, and and fuel prices can be advantageous to a business’s bottom line.

Two models in particular we will be taking a look at are the Bigmow and Ballpicker models.


Bigmow is recommended for sports pitches, driving ranges, public spaces, and private estates, and is capable of maintaining up to 24,000 sqaure metres of turf.

The mower is fitted with five floating cutting heads that adapt to the ground elevation. A total of 15 stainless steel blades provide perfect, constant mulching for a total cutting width of 103 centimetres. Fitted with five sonar sensors, the robotic mower will instantly deactivate its cutting system if it encounters an obstacle.

Bigmow works completely autonomously in all the zones delimited by the perimeter wires. Its activity remains quiet with a maximum noise output of 58dB and it saves data so its productivity can be controlled and adjusted if necessary. The charging process at a low voltage station is entirely automated and safe. A sustainable mower with an average annual energy consumption at approximately 830kWh results in energy costs of approximately €160 per year.

Due to the built-in connectivity, the mowers are connected to a web portal which through the use of a tablet or smartphone, enables the operator to manage their fleet. An anti-theft solution is also enabled via GPS and geofencing.


The Ballpicker is an automated ball picker for driving ranges up to 30,000 square metres. The Ballpicker is fitted with a roller with five sets of four polythene discs providing quiet and systematic collection. The built-in sonar sensors guarantee total safety on the driving range. Its GPS system guides it back to base along the quickest route, to empty its load of balls and charge its batteries.

The Ballpicker is fitted with a ball tank with a capacity of 300. After recovering 250 balls, the collector returns to base to empty its load in the technical recovery pit, and will then go to charge its batteries.

The balls are automatically forwarded to the ball cleaner and distributor. The efficiency of the robot is even further increased if the concentration of balls is higher. The Ballpicker is programmable in multiple zones and can be controlled by commands sent via SMS.

The Ballpicker is fitted with four sonar sensors for protection against obstacles and has electricity costs of approximately €120 per year.

For more information on cost and implementing these devices into your grounds maintenance regimen, visit here.

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