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Grey slatted panels: a garden design trend for 2020?

Grey-painted contemporary mix slatted fence panel. Photo: Forest Garden.

Forest Garden's new range of grey-painted contemporary slatted fence panels have exceeded the company's all sales expectations since their launch.



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1 July 2020

When it comes to fencing, a national trend appears to be developing. That’s according to Forest Garden, one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of wooden garden products in the UK which supplies over 3,000 stores and major online retailers.

The company launched its new range of pre-painted, grey contemporary slatted fence panels early in 2020 and expected the sales to develop over a 12-month period. Instead, sales have rocketed and are well ahead of budget.

The most popular product in the range is the 1.8m square double slatted fence panel designed with a sleek and modern look. The slats are mounted alternately on the front and back of the panel, which means passers-by can’t peer through them, but light and air can flow through.

“Sales of these panels are literally sailing away, definitely reflecting the trend we have seen over the past few years for slatted panels. Grey looks understated and modern in a garden and provides a good backdrop for planting. At this time of year, plants such as striking blue Agapanthus or purple Verbena bonariensis look fantastic against grey panels. Delicate red Acers or bold, big-leafed Caster Oil plants can look just as good.”, said Lynsey Grinnell, head of marketing at Forest Garden.

Grinnell continued: “Our original contemporary slatted panels in natural wood also continue as a strong seller and we are seeing people painting them all sorts of colours. One customer painted hers jet black, inspired by what she’d seen on a trip to Japan.”

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