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IISS now providing arboriculture internships to US

Arboriculture is the cultivation, management, and study of individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants. Photo: IISS.

The IISS is now offering arboriculture internships to the US; expanding on its unrivalled opportunities for Irish greenkeepers to work abroad.



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24 January 2019

The Irish Institute of Sports Surfaces (IISS) is now providing arboriculture opportunities in the US to prospective participants, adding to its already established US greenkeeping internship offering.

A career in arboriculture is diverse with no two days the same. The opportunity combines practical and theoretical principles in management, ecology, and the planning of tree and woodland care.


Photo: IISS.

Participants will experience practical training with access to specialist machinery and industry standard equipment. Participants will carry out inspections and surveys of individual and woodland trees — advising homeowners and/or landowners on how to care for their trees — and teach others about the benefits of managing trees.

Prospective participants are required to already be trained in chainsaw safe-use and trained or experienced in working at heights with a recognised accredited qualification.

Participants who are successful in securing the internship will be provided with housing, health insurance, transportation, and a monthly stipend.

If interested in participating, contact IISS via email at for more information on opportunities for 2019.

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