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We’re better together, aren’t we?

Trade shows offer a great chance to find new ways to improve your business

Edwin Meijer outlines the benefit of looking at ePos providers while at the trade shows



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31 August 2016

Summer is almost over so traditionally the trade show season starts. We’ve got 7 in the next 5 weeks including Four Oaks next week and GLEE the week after. It could be a good time to have a chat with one of the ePos providers at the trade shows. Having an ePos system opens a wide range of opportunities for you – apart from all the boring benefits like VAT and proper accounting.

HTA Garden Retail Monitor
It’s a common thing in the Netherlands and coming to the UK as well: an industry standard to compare figures with other similar garden centres. Are you doing great compared to your colleagues? And what areas are open for improvement? The HTA lets you compare your sales performance with regional and national averages. It all goes automatic and info is sent from your ePos to the HTA.

Running a webshop without ePos integration means you’re wasting a lot of time on price changes, order entry and removing old products. At Garden Connect we’re making integrations with many ePos providers: product info is sent in real-time to the webshop including promotions, stock levels and if you want, product description, photos and more.

The other way around: once orders are placed in the webshop orders are sent back to the ePos so the staff doesn’t need to access the webshop CMS at all to handle orders. That keeps things simple for everyone.

Running a loyalty scheme without ePos can be done but you’re missing a whole range of opportunities if you do so! You can’t laser-target customers since you won’t have product information: who’s buying dog food? Who bought apple trees last year? What customers are spending money on garden furniture? Most ePos systems allow you to run a loyalty scheme via the tills and that opens a world of opportunities. Just one example are our Personal Marketing services allowing you to send a recipe for an apple pie to everyone who bought an apple tree in the past!

ePos integration: it’s not complicated
Luckily the old day integrations which were difficult are long gone. Recently we’ve made a great integration with OpenRetail to let their customers use our award winning Personal Marketing service. We’ve been running webshops via Easitill, Triquestra, Nedfox and others for years and can assure you: ePos integrations are not complicated!

Recently we’ve been working with Swan to integrate our webshop platform and Personal Marketing services with their software. You can read more about our partnership with Swan on our website.

Having ePos opens the door to new partnerships and as you know: we’re better together!

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