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Wexford Christmas Trees was founded in 2005

Joe Flynn outlines how Wexford Christmas Trees has gone from strength to strength since it was founded


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14 September 2016

In the shadow of Slieve Coillte, approximately ten kilometres from New Ross, on the Fethard-on-Sea road, is one of the finest plantations of Christmas Trees in Ireland. Established in 2005, Wexford Christmas Trees, is managed by brothers Joe and Robbie Flynn. The crop is currently being prepared for its third harvesting season, and is receiving some really high praise from all who visit, whether established customers or first-time visitors.

The Flynns decided in the beginning to aim for the premium end of the market. They were aware, of course, that their trees could take one or two years longer than average to reach market size, mainly because of more rigorous leader control to achieve the density required. While it strained resources to the limit by financing nine years of inputs, they had their first full harvest in 2014. It was worth the wait. All who bought Wexford Christmas Trees sold out – and some restocked twice!

On close inspection by a trained eye, the production methods, in line with best practice, can be detected. For example, the leader growth for each year is very well controlled, resulting in a much denser tree. The average taper is 50-60%, reflecting the Spring side-pruning, followed by a very meticulous “soft pruning” of the new growth in June. The colour is excellent, due to the two applications of granular fertilizer, Spring and early Autumn, augmented by a couple of liquid feeds during the Summer. In short, it is a real pleasure to wander around the sixty acres of lush greenery and enjoy the silence, punctuated by an occasional sharp bark from the pair of buzzards that reside locally. Click on the picture to enjoy the same view as the buzzards, as they patrol the main 40-acre block of the plantation every day.

Joe and Robbie hosted the European Christmas Tree Growers’ Conference in 2012, complete with roast pig, pipe band, “Bar in the Barn”, and International Song Contest. Some of those visitors  have since become clients and are very happy to stock Wexford Christmas Trees in their businesses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Of course, the greater part of the harvest remains in Ireland, decorating homes from Wexford to Donegal.

Contact: Website:


                 Telephone: Joe: 0862669640; Robbie: 0872529799.


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