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Final call for 2021 Green Flag Award applications

Maynooth Campus was the overall winner of the 2020 Pollinator Plan Award.

Completed applications must be submitted by 31 May


Sports & Parks

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6 May 2021

The deadline for applications for the 2021 Green Flag and Pollinator Plan award is fast approaching.

Interested parties have been asked to complete the process of uploading management plans for 2021 and submit their applications by 31 May. The committee plan to start the site surveys in June so any applications not received by then will not be included within the 2021 Green Flag Award Scheme.

The awards were available to public town parks, country parks, nature parks, historic parks, gardens, greenways, cemeteries, and public green spaces from across the whole country.

Following the launch of the new All-Ireland Pollinator Plan for 2021-2025, Green Flag Award Parks and Gardens across Ireland have been asked to showcase the efforts and ideas being implemented on the ground to support the new pollinator plan.

Green Flag Award Scheme applicants within the Republic of Ireland have been invited to submit an additional Pollinator Plan Award application. With the launch of the new All-Ireland Pollinator Plan for 2021-2025, and a further increase in the number of Green Flag Award applicant sites in 2021, it is to be expected that we will also see more interest in the Pollinator Plan Award Competition this year.

To participate in the Green Flag Award Scheme, or for more information e-mail or phone: 087 4623302.

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